Idaho Forest Fire Lookout sites, Table 2, active and abandoned sites listed. Revised Sept. 23, 2024.

Key to column headings: ID - A numerical count, County - The county the Lookout is in, Topo Map - The name of the 7.5 minute topographic map the Lookout is on, Lookout Name - Name of active Lookout or inactive site, LO - Status of standing Lookout (see below), NHLR - A entry indicates the lookout is on the National Historic Lookout Register. The registration number is shown. Prom - The prominence value in feet, EL, ft. - Elevation in feet of the Lookout, EL - How elevation is determined. BM = benchmark survey disk nearby. Spot = spot elevation shown on the map. Inter. = No elevation shown so interpreted from contours. Forest - Name of National Forest Lookout is in, Park or Other - Other Land status, BM Name - The name of the benchmark disk near the Lookout, PID - The unique number or Position Identifier given by the USGS to each benchmark, YR - Year the benchmark disk was first placed, LO BM - A listing for the Lookout building itself. (This will give the most accurate coordinates for the building.)

Lookout Status Codes: A = structure in good condition, capable of being staffed. B = Dilapidated and needs work, but standing. C = Badly damaged or falling down. AS = usually staffed by Forest Service. AV = staffed by volunteers. AR = A rental Lookout. A (LO site) is where the building has been removed and there may be no evidence remaining, or it's status may be unknown.

ID County Topo Map Lookout Name NHLR LO Prom EL, ft. EL Forest Park or other use BM Name PID YR LO BM
1 Adams,Valley Brundage Mountain Brundage 1447 AS 0 7552 BM Payette   Brundage RA1295 1959 RA1294
2 Adams Council Mountain Council (LO site)     200 7900 Inter. Payette         QB1267
3 Boise Harris Creek Summit Hawley Mountain 1429 B 2061 7301 BM Boise   Hawley OH1212 1959 OH1211
4 Boise Shafer Butte Shafer Butte 366 A 2702 7582 BM Boise   Shafer OH1215 1915 OH1216
5 Bonner Blanchard Hoodoo Mountain (LO site)     2809 5119 BM   Private land Hoodoo Reset TO1077 1980 none
6 Boundary Twentymile Creek Black Mountain 1464 A 416 6096 BM Kaniksu   Black Mtn TO0929 1964 TO0926
7 Boundary Eastport Queen Mountain (LO site)     3252 6112 BM Kaniksu   Queen Mtn TO0911 1964 TO0908
8 Boundary Grass Mountain Saddle Mountain 1472 A 2158 6893 BM Kaniksu   Saddle Reset TO1109 1934 TO1108
9 Butte Big Southern Butte Big Southern Butte (LO site)     2380 7560 BM   BLM land Big Butte 2 OY0946 1960 OY0949
10 Cassia Mount Harrison Mount Harrison 1422 AS 2298 9265 Spot Sawtooth   none     none
11 Custer Basin Butte Basin Butte 747 A 794 8954 BM Salmon-Challis   KA 4 QA0750 1957 QA0751
12 Custer Twin Peaks Twin Peaks 1002 AS 1045 10,340 BM Salmon-Challis   Twin Reset QA0689 1915 QA0690
13 Elmore Trinity Mountain Trinity Mountain 1427 AS 2371 9451 BM Boise   Trinity OZ0992 1959 OZ0991
14 Idaho Grave Peak Grave Peak 136 C 2482 8282 BM Clearwater   Grave RY0875 1934 none
15 Idaho Green Mountain Green Mountain 235 B 707 7227 BM Nez Perce   Green QZ0653 1935 none
16 Idaho Heavens Gate Heavens Gate 789 AS 823 8429 BM Nez Perce Hells Canyon NRA (on bdy.) Heavens Gate RA1321 1945 DF4172
17 Idaho John Day Mountain Slate Point 798 AS 91 7291 Spot Nez Perce   none     none
18 Idaho John Day Mountain Nut Basin (LO site)     421 7741 Spot Nez Perce   none     none
19 Idaho Pilot Knob Pilot Knob 793 AS 2115 7139 BM Nez Perce   Pilot Knob 2 QZ0730 1962 none
20 Kootenai Medimont Initial Peak (LO site)     297 4061 Spot   Private land none     SV1518
21 Kootenai Rockford Bay Mica Peak (LO site)     2601 5241 BM   Idaho state land Signal 3 DF3667 1981 CS4666
22 Kootenai Mt Coeur d Alene Mount Coeur d Alene (LO site)     1371 4439 Spot Coeur d Alene   none     none
23 Kootenai Twin Crags Twin Crags (LO site)       6400 Inter.   Idaho state land Latour SV1512 1900 none
24 Latah Emida Bald Mountain (Big Baldy) 777 AR 2080 5334 BM Clearwater   Bald Mtn LOT SV1524 1956  
25 Lemhi Taylor Mountain Taylor Mountain 1445 C 2360 9960 BM Salmon-Challis   Taylor QA0676 1915 QA0677
26 Owyhee Cliffs South Mountain 1421 A 2081 7801 BM   BLM land South Mountain NW0401 1973 none
27 Shoshone Steamboat Creek Cougar Peak (LO site)     1442 5282 BM Coeur d Alene   Cougar SV1444 1938 SV1443
28 Shoshone Grizzly Mountain Grizzly Mountain (LO site)     80 5950 Inter. Coeur d Alene   Grizzly SV1416 1940 none
29 Valley No Business Mountain No Business 1451 AS   7350 Inter. Payette         QB1263
30 Washington Sturgill Peak Sturgill Peak 1460 AS 3429 7589 BM Payette   Stirgil QB1393 1907 QB1342